一期一会のGame Blog




パッチメッセージを見ると傭兵 CLR の動きが改善されているようですね。

確かに傭兵 CLR は結構ちんたらヒールしてた感じだったので、どれくらい改善されたか楽しみです。

*** Mercenaries ***

- Several changes have been made to Healer Mercenaries:

- After level 85, healer mercenaries no longer cast the Promised or Elixir lines of spells. These spells may return in the future when mercenaries learn to cast them more effectively.

- After level 75, healer mercenaries no longer cast Complete Heal.

- When at full health and mana, healer mercenaries will no longer sit.

- Healer mercenaries now respond more quickly when the main tank in their group enters combat.

- The power of the healer mercenaries' spells have been slightly increased.

- The Reactive stance has been modified to favor constantly casting direct heals without regard for mana cost.

- Note: At the moment, mercenaries have trouble healing players that have high-HP regen buffs on them. Until this changes, avoid using spells such as Splendrous Guardian, Spiritual Enrichment, or Promised Renewal if you want your mercenary to heal you.